Friday, July 23, 2010

Long time, no posting

We've been really busy (as usual) and we've just gotten home from the cottage. Everyone had a great time, and the laundry is almost done!!

I'll have to come back and post some pics of the kids in the water. They honestly had a blast. I can't wait to go back with them in August.

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

New Year, New Events

Well, you can see I really don't have a lot of time to be blogging - you can tell by my lack of posts recently. LOL! In fact, I'm supposed to be working on report cards (at 3am) but the report card system is on it's update until 3:30 and I'm locked out. So I finally have some free time to update my blog.

Now that it's a new year, we have lots of new things happening:

1) Tristan turned 9 in January. OMG - when did I have a 9 year old? He's looking so grown up now. I'm missing him as a little kid, but love who he's grown up to be so far. He's trying baseball in the summer and has just finished floor hockey this past season. Yup, he's my sports kid.

2) Hunter just turned 8 last week and he finally had his first kid-birthday party. He decided to go to laserquest and had a great time. I'm thrilled that he finally wanted to have a party with friends at school - it was nice to meet the kids he hangs out with. They are a good bunch, and smart as whips...just like Hunter. Also, on his birthday, he went out to the van, threw his car seat out and kicked it into the snow. LOL - he's been counting the days down until he can get rid of it.

3) Zoe and Bailey have been growing like weeds. They look so tall now, until they stand beside their cousin Leah (she's at least 2 inches taller than both of them). They are FINALLY potty-trained - we spent Christmas holidays working on that one and they are doing really, really well. They are sleeping through the night most nights now and are very, very, very, very talkative. Miss Zoe is a real police officer - barking orders to everyone in the house. Mr. B is a real sweetie, running up to anyone on the spot and giving them a hug and a quick kiss before running away again. Z is still very outgoing, B is still very, very shy. And they will be turning 3 years old next week!

4) The house. Oh my. This house is driving me nuts. We need to move, but can't afford it. Or at least the basement (that has been in progress for 3 years now) needs to be done. Or I will lose my mind. Finish it please Randy.

5)Randy's doing well. Not much new in his working world. But his brother is getting married in the summer and we're planning on driving down to visit for it. Should be 'fun' doing a road trip with 4 kids in the car for over 24 hours. Can't wait. :o) I'm looking forward to the visit, just not the drive.

6) Me. Well, when have I been not busy? There's a lot on the go for me this year. I have been very focused on working towards getting a position as an administrator (VP) and have been doing so many seminars this year towards that goal. I've also finished my PQP part 1, working on my practicum right now (and almost finished, just need to write it up) and will start PQP part 2 at the end of this month. I've also put my papers in to leave my school - if I'm serious about becoming admin, I need to have a different school experience... an intermediate school experience. Yikes - me teaching Grades 6-8. We'll see what I get, but I start applying for positions at the end of the month. I'm scared to death about the change, but I know I need to make it. As for the diet....let's say it's on hold until after report cards are finished this week. :o)

Hopefully I'll update again soon and keep this blog updated!! Gotta go, it's past 3:30 now and I have a date with a report card system.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Good times this summer

Ok, so I've been a tad busy lately. That's the reason I'm giving for not updating my blog in over 6 months. But honestly, I've been really busy.

Let's see what's happened since my last update:

1. The twins turned 2 years old! They are soooooo big now.

2. The boys finished school. Tristan and Hunter both got some A's on their report cards...but more importantly no one got an "N" in their learning skills. Great job this year guys!!!

3. I finished 3 courses - Reading 2, Reading 3 and Intermediate English. I can now teach up to Grade 10 (yikes) and am very worn out.

4. Randy is so close to being almost done the drywall in the basement. It's been 2 years now and I'm hoping it will be done before another 2 years pass.

5. I've finally seen the light and have started saving. gasp. Really, this is something new for me. I like to spend money instead - but I've worked out a budget and I'm actually paying cash for things now...instead of credit. Randy would be proud.

6. The kids have had an AMAZING summer. Tristan and Hunter have done a variety of camps including rock climbing French camp, Basketball camp (Hunter), Literacy camp (Tristan) and the Y day camp. We also snuck in a trip to the cottage for a week. The twins did their first session of swimming lessons by themselves! The first couple of days didn't go so well (Zoe kept puking in the pool) but by the end, they did a great job and passed their level.

7. And maybe the most important thing happened in June....the twins started sleeping through the night!!!!! Thank goodness, they finally are sleeping regularly. They sleep from about 8 pm to 6 am consistently. We've all been waiting for this day to happen, it only took over 2 years to get here.

We've all had a fun summer so far and I can't believe it's only 2 more weeks until school starts for the kids. One more week at home for me and I'm starting to panic...I'm so not ready to be teaching Grade 5 yet. Ack.

Gotta go, time to clean up around here! Pictures next time I promise!

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Sleep, what's sleep?

I just finished reading my last post...over 5 months ago. I was so foolish to believe that we would finally be getting some sleep.

Nope. Not a chance.

You see, when you have twins that share a room, there's no time to sleep. Because having a twin in your room means that you always have a buddy to play with - even at 3 a.m.

But I do have photographic evidence that they have slept at some point in their lives.

See, they did sleep one day. Bailey crawled into Zoe's bed and they actually slept like that for over an hour. It was pretty cute - and really nice...we had an hour to ourselves!

But other than the lack of sleep, things are going well in the zoo. Tristan and Hunter are doing well in school. And Bailey and Zoe are growing like weeds and are talking NON-STOP. I forgot how busy and loud it is having a toddler in the house - now times it by 2. But it's cute!!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Very exciting news today!

I am thrilled to tell everyone that finally, after 17 l-o-n-g months, both Zoe and Bailey slept through the night last night. Randy and I didn't go into their room at all!!!

Woo hoo. The sleep deprevation is over. Finally.

Just in time for everyone to head back to school. :o)

Enjoy the long weekend! (((hugs))) from my clan to yours!

Friday, August 22, 2008

It's been a while since I last posted...

But that's only because the past year has been quite a blur for our family! We're all doing well, and surviving much better now that the twins are a bit older. LOL!

Here's an update on all of us:

Randy - finished his Level 3 of his Heating certification. He's now half way through his level 2, and doing well at it. He's enjoying working in the lab...oops, I mean shop (sorry honey!) and the basement still sits half done. He PROMISES that once this course is over, he'll be working hard on it.

Tristan - finished Grade 1 of French Immersion and did ok. He's worked really hard on his French this summer and has gone up two reading levels in French. His English reading is right on level, and he's looking forward to going back to school to see all of his friends. This summer, he was in soccer camp, day camps and spent a week at the cottage. For his last week of summer vacation, he and Hunter will be going back for a ton of fun at the cottage with grandma. He's also looking forward to swimming lessons and gymnastics again starting in September.

Hunter - finished Senior Kindergarten and is starting Grade 1 French Immersion in September. He did really well in Kindergarten and his English reading is already at (or above) a Grade 2 level. So we know he won't have to worry about the English portion of Grade 1...we'll see how much he likes the French. This summer he was also in day camps and spent a week at the cottage. He can't wait for Grade 1 to start - he thinks he's going to have a great time and that "it will be easy". We sure hope so Hunter!!

Zoe & Bailey - they are almost 1-1/2 years old now and are growing like weeds. Bailey is 33 lbs. and Zoe is a bit behind him at 25 lbs. They both love to 'chat' and will babble on all day long - it's too cute! They think each other is hilarious and will often do things just to get a reaction out of their twin. Oh, and they are climbers. Ugg. They will climb up EVERYTHING they can...and they are FAST! They love to run and will often take off in two different directions. It's a good thing they are cute!! And Zoe finally has enough hair now to put it up in a ponytail...which she promptly pulls out. :o)

Carol - as for me, I'm doing ok. I had a tough year going back to work in December (Randy took the last 3 months of the maternity leave off) - I had a tough grade 1 class. But I made it and I'm looking forward to September. I'm changing grades - I'll be teaching Grade 2 for the first time, and I'll be in a pod again with another teacher that I think will be fantastic to work with. And I'm working on the weight loss again. Last December, I had lost a total of 80 lbs. (40 lbs of pregnancy twin weight - and another 40 lbs. of pre-baby weight), but after going back to work, I put 10 lbs. back on. So I'm working on losing that 10 lbs. again, and I want to keep going and lose another 10 lbs. My teaching partner and I are going to get a walking routine started, so we can both lose some weight together.

See, we've been busy! I'll be back later to add some photos of everyone! (((hugs)))

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Finally, An Update on Us

It's been quite a busy 2 months+ since I've had a chance to update the blog. So sorry everyone!

Since the end of August:
- the boys have started back at school. Hunter's in senior kindergarten and loving it. Tristan's in Grade 1 French Immersion...and loving recess. :o)
- Both boys have started skating lessons. They are both doing well, but Hunter's not sure if he likes it...he wants to snowboard instead. LOL!
- Tristan's now in the developmental gymnastics program - training 4-6 hours a week.
- the twins have gotten so big! At their last doctor appointment at 7 months, Zoe is 19 lbs. 12 oz. and 28 inches. Bailey is 22 lbs. bang on and also 28 inches. Zoe is fast catching up on the weight...and her cheeks show it.
- Both babies are now standing and holding on to the couch and have started taking a few steps with the couch.
- Bailey has pulled himself up to standing on his own.
- Both babies are now using sippy cups at meals.
- Zoe has found the best teething toy ever: Bailey's butt.
- Bailey has one tooth now, Zoe has two!
- Neither baby is interested in crawling - they want to be standing and trying to walk instead.
- Randy's almost finished his course (done on the 15th).
- The basement is a work in progress.
- And I'm headed back to work full time on December 3rd - Randy will be Mr. Mom then until March Break.
- Also, we FOUND DAYCARE!! We've already lined up 2 babysitters for the kids starting in March. And it's not going to bankrupt us. Hmmm. Maybe we do have enough money now for another little one. (joking Randy...well, sort of ;o)

The blogger site is having problems uploading pictures today - so I'll have to put them on later. Keep an eye out...there's some cute ones coming.